Who We Serve
最近比较火的正规赌博软件通过专注于解决关键任务问题以支持国家优先计划所面临的挑战,赢得了客户的信任. We take pride in offering a suite of proven Strategic Solutions that help keep our nation and its citizens safe. Honed over four and a half decades of tried and true experience, we support the following Strategic Business Areas:
最近比较火的正规赌博软件提供端到端的变革性医疗保健解决方案,以支持我们的现役军队, veterans and their families, as well as federal civilian healthcare initiatives. Our support enhances our customers’ abilities to plan, 实施和管理改善医疗结果和响应紧急需求的医疗IT功能, evolving legislative mandates and technological advancements.
Learn MoreDefense
最近比较火的正规赌博软件提供多样化的解决方案和服务组合,以支持国防部的空中客户, land, sea, space, and cyberspace domains on a worldwide basis. Our solutions include enterprise IT, mission system engineering, test & evaluation, training, program support, cybersecurity and data analytics – all focused on ensuring that our armed forces are informed and ready.
最近比较火的正规赌博软件通过确保他们拥有正确的工具来支持我们的情报界客户, technologies, and tactics to succeed in their mission to protect our nation and counter global threats. 我们正在应用前沿技术,结合任务专业知识,提供工具和流程,帮助我们的客户跟上并应对不断变化的威胁形势.
Federal Law Enforcement
最近比较火的正规赌博软件利用技术的力量来增强我们在司法部的客户的能力, Treasury, 以及国土安全部,以预测和应对对我们国家安全的威胁,保护我们的公民. 我们的工程师开发了创新的解决方案,利用技术来帮助保护家园, respond to threats and disasters, enforce and administer our laws, as well as secure our borders and cyberspace to keep our fellow citizens safe.
U.S. Outreach
AMERICAN SYSTEMS supports a variety of U.S. customers in their missions beyond the borders of the United States, including the Department of State and NASA. From conducting pilot training, to building tools that enable pilots and astronauts to fly more safely, to safeguarding our U.S. diplomats abroad, 我们通过促进美国人民的利益来帮助支持美国的勘探和外交政策, their safety and economic prosperity.
At AMERICAN SYSTEMS, we apply our subject matter expertise, proven methodologies, 和最新的技术,以提供创新的解决方案,满足我们的客户的战略目标. Everything we do is committed to enabling our customers to accomplish their missions successfully. We know what’s at stake.®